Versions Compared


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minConfidence is a parameter available for the plugin Config that sets a minimum confidence which has to be reached in order to trigger a scan result.

Depending on the use-case, the minConfidence value can be adjusted to meet the needs of the end-user. This article will outline reasons why any company/developer/end-user might wish to make such adjustments to the minConfidence parameter.

Table of Contents


Understanding the minConfidence Parameter

The minConfidence is something that changes for each end-user, as it depends on the scanning environment. Changing the minConfidence value changes the precision and recall of the whole scanning script.


Code Block
"viewPlugin": {
                  "plugin": {
                      "id": "DRIVING_LICENSE",
                      "idPlugin": {
                          "universalIdConfig": {
                              "allowedLayouts": {
                                  "drivingLicense": []
                              "drivingLicense": {
                                  "lastName": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 40},
                                  "firstName": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 40},
                                  "fullName": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 40},
                                  "dateOfBirth": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 50},
                                  "placeOfBirth": {"scanOption": 1, "minConfidence": 50},
                                  "dateOfIssue": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 50},
                                  "dateOfExpiry": {"scanOption": 1, "minConfidence": 50},
                                  "authority": {"scanOption": 1, "minConfidence": 30},
                                  "documentNumber": {"scanOption": 0, "minConfidence": 40},
                                  "licenseClass": {"scanOption": 1, "minConfidence": 30},
                                  "address": {"scanOption": 0},
                                  "sex": {"scanOption": 1,"minConfidence": 60},
                                  "personalNumber": {"scanOption": 1,"minConfidence": 60}


Examples of Different Industries requiring Different Confidence Values


Some end-users might require a high confidence to avoid wrong readings, whereas others might wish to lower the confidence to gain more speed.

Speed over Accuracy

One example of an industry that would require speed over accuracy is the Event Management Industry.


While accuracy is still a priority, speed is crucial to prevent long queues and ensure a smooth entry process, so there can be room for tolerating a slight margin of error. While the decision to lower minConfidence should be made carefully, considering the potential trade-offs, trying to achieve a much higher accuracy on the first scan could result in delays and longer queues and waiting times.

Accuracy over Speed

One example of an industry where the opposite would be the case is the Banking and Finance Industry.


It would therefore be more beneficial to adjust the minConfidence to prioritise accuracy over speed. Even if it takes a bit longer to process a new account, the trade-off for ensuring client safety and lowering the potential cost and risk associated with incorrect identification would be worth it.


Configs that include minConfidence


Below is a list of the Anyline Plugin Configs that use the minConfidence parameter.

  • ocrConfig

  • containerConfig

  • tireMakeConfig

  • commercialTireIdConfig

  • tireSizeConfig

  • tinConfig

  • licensePlateConfig

  • meterConfig

  • odometerConfig

  • mrzConfig

  • universalIdConfig

  • vehicleRegistrationCertificateConfig

  • japaneseLandingPermissionConfig


Some configs, such as the universalIdConfig, use a differently named parameter called minConfidenceField.

The minConfidenceField determines the minimum confidence a field text needs to reach in order to be taken into account.

If the scanned field confidence is lower than the set minConfidenceField but the scanOption is not set to mandatory, a result will be returned without the field.

This is a confidence value on a field basis for multi-field capabilities like ID.


Finding the Right Value for your needs



The examples provided above might vary depending on the company and the requirements of said company.

Ultimately, we would recommend trying a variety of different values for minConfidence until you find the right value that best suits your needs.