Anyline Licensing
This article will contain everything you need to know about Anyline Licensing as well as our License Keys and how to obtain them.
Why use a License Key?
A License Key is required in order to integrate the Anyline SDK into your app or develop with the Anyline SDK or Cloud API. You can imagine a License Key like a real physical Key that is used to unlock features within our products for your app.
Should a License Key be due to expire, Anyline will issue an updated License Key and send it to you in a document containing the new License Key along with the list of your selected identifiers contained within the License Key.
The Identifier Explained
Much like the License Key, the Identifier refers to a unique ID directly linked with your project. The Identifier has different names depending on the selected platform(s) for your project.
In order to generate a License Key (Trial or Enterprise) for your own project, you will need to enter:
Your ApplicationID if you are developing for Android or using the Cloud API
Your BundleID for iOS
Your Package Name for UWP
Your Domain for the Web SDK
Please Note:
The BundleID/ApplicationID string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) containing only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.). This identifier is case-sensitive.
Please do not add “www.” or “https://” to your identifier. For example, instead of “”, use “”. For subdomains use “”.
Types of Licenses
There are 2 different types of Licenses for Anyline Product Use:
Trial License | Enterprise License |
The Anyline Trial License is valid for 30 days, displays the Anyline Watermark. Did you have too little time to test or you need a trial License extension? Then we also want to help you as we understand testing can sometimes take longer, so reach out to Anyline Commercial Team to request a trial License extension.
| The Enterprise License does not display the Anyline Watermark, and is valid for the subscription period. All capabilities are unlocked with a full feature set. The Enterprise License is for paying customers only. |
How do I get a License Key?
Obtaining an Trial License Key
Trial License Keys are issued by request and can be obtained via the our Trial Request Page on our website.
Obtaining an Enterprise License Key
Enterprise License Keys are issued by request and be obtained by getting in contact with your dedicated Customer Success Manager or with our Sales Team through the contact form on our website.
Adding the License Key to your App
After you created your Anyline License Key, you have to add it to your app in order to be able to use the Anyline SDK. There are 2 different ways to achieve this:
Storing the License Key locally within your App |
You can find How-To guides for the individual platforms in the following sections:
→ iOS: Add the License Key
→ Android: Add the License Key
→ UWP: Add the License Key
→ Cordova: Add the License Key
→ React-Native: Add the License Key
→ Xamarin: Add the License Key
→ Flutter: Add the License Key
→ .NET Maui: Add the License Key
→ Web SDK: Add the License Key
→ Cloud API V1: Add the License Key
Storing the License Key within a Server |
After a renewal or any changes in your subscription, a new License Key will be issued for you and this needs to be updated in your project.
If your License Key change does not coincide with other app updates and you don’t wish to make a new release just to add your new License Key, you can consider storing your License Key in a file on a server instead.
In this case, the Key would have to be retrieved each time from the server before the License check, so it is sufficient to update the Key on the server and no code changes to your app are required.
If you don’t have a server, one way to implement this would be a service like Firebase Remote Config.
You can find a Codelab about integrating Firebase Remote Config on Android here:
Integrating Remote Config on Android Codelab | Google Codelabs
Some hints that might be useful:
Don’t forget to publish changes in the Firebase Console after you changed the License Key value – otherwise updated values will not be visible to your app.
Please have a look at the section Throttling at step 4 of the Codelab, it contains valuable information about parameters setting during app development and testing.
License Key FAQs
License Key Error Message List
Below you can find a list of possible License Key related error messages, what they mean and steps to fix them.
Error | Definition | Solution |
| → The License Key is not valid. |
| → The License Key has expired or has an invalid date. |
| → The License Key isn’t valid for the platform for which you are developing. |
| → The License Key is not valid for the plugin you are trying to integrate. |
| → Anyline License Keys since Anyline SDK 4.0 are no longer tied to an individual version. This means that as long as you have downloaded the most recent Anyline SDK or at least higher than version 4, this error should not occur. |
| → Your app’s bundle identifier is different from the one linked to your License Key. |
Further Information
The License Key now contains all Platforms and Solutions supported by Anyline.
All License Keys are valid until the Contract End Date.
The V2 License is now deprecated. It is highly recommended that any customer with a V2 License upgrades to a V3 License as soon as possible to be to use the latest versions of our SDK.
Your Domain would be your website’s domain made up of the unique name of your website and the Top Level Domain / Domain Extension → e.g. “ ”.